(0674)2471014 / 9861877441

3 Programs i.e. Mechanical, Electrical & Civil engineering of Ganesh Institute of Engineering & Technology is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Congratulations to all the stakeholders

Cultural Grid Ganesh Polytechnic

The college provides its students numerous opportunities for co-curricular activities to enrich their cultural interests. The cultural committee of the college encourages the students to take part in a wide variety of cultural competitions such as singing, dancing, debates, creative writing etc. and holds various cultural activities throughout the year. There is an annual inter-class cultural competition every year and the winners of these events are awarded on annual cultural Function day in which eminent people invited from all over India. With the objective of imparting a holistic perspective to professional higher education, a “Centre for Humanities” has been created in our college and has been functioning effectively. The centre intends to create an atmosphere, which is intellectually and aesthetically stimulating for the community on the campus.